You know that we all have issues with our emotions. We blame things on them, we think we shouldn't feel a certain way, and we think we are being ridiculous. God exhibits a spectrum of pure emotions, including joy, delight, anger, jealousy, and sorrow.
The problem is not that we HAVE emotions, but our emotions, unlike Gods, are taunted by the fall. We can express our emotions in a godly way.
There is no tool that the enemy uses more effectively to lead us into bondage than our emotions. When we allow them to be tied to our circumstances- which are constantly changing- rather than to the unchangeable realities of God and His truth, our emotions are prone to fluctuate wildly.
Just make sure you are:
Living all of life
in the presence of God
under the authority or God
and to the glory of God.
Love this. "The problem is not that we HAVE emotions, but our emotions, unlike Gods, are taunted by the fall"
So good to remember.
Agreed. People need to remember that its ok to be "emotional" sometimes. It is hard however discerning "pure emotions" from "tainted emotions".
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