Thursday, October 13, 2011

First of all, I had a terrible dream last night.

Secondly, I woke up with the phrase "worship while i'm waiting" stuck in my head. I knew it was probably from a song, but I couldn't think of one.

I got in the car to go to work and the radio came on. The words "worship while I'm waiting" came blasting out of the speakers. I just sat there. I listened.

Here are some phrases that stuck out: Every step in obedience
                                                          Bold and confident
                                                          Worship while I'm waiting
                                                          I will not fail
                                                          It's not easy

I have no idea why I had this phrase stuck in my head. I haven't heard this song before...well from what I can remember. I guess in a sense we are all waiting. If we aren't waiting for something specific that God told us, then we are at least all waiting for the coming of our Lord and Savior.

Waiting is hard. So hard. It isn't easy. There is no specific answer or guideline to get through the waiting period. We just have to remain obedient and faithful. We may not know what that looks like exactly, but all we have is today. We have to take it day by day because all we have is today. Tomorrow has not yet come. We need to wake up every morning thanking God we have another day step ahead BOLD and CONFIDENT. We have today to obey. Do you want to screw that up? We have absolutely no guarantee that tomorrow will come. Don't waste today. While you wait for tomorrow, God's calling, future husband, or the return of Christ, we must Worship while we're waiting.

Look up the song While I'm waiting by John Waller

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