I meant to do this several days ago. Today is pretty close to the day that he died. I was missing him a lot today. I was thinking about when I was at grandmas house last week and how John Patrick wasn't there to greet me at the door and how James, this random guy that lives with grandma and grandpa, has his room now and has just trashed it. It made me so mad. I included a bit about him below. I did my speech on him once in high school. Please just take a few minutes to get to know him because he was wonderful. He is in heaven where he is perfect and can completely function. I can't wait to see him like that!! with a new mind and a new body. Shoot, I'm crying just thinking bout that day.
(this is written like if my mom was reading it to me)
"John Patrick Murphy died at age 31 from a rare form of childhood cancer. this form of cancer had no known cures. Some radiation may have helped, but he could not hold still enough to use the treatment. They tried some chemo, but it did not help at all. He was diagnosed in August and died in November. John had Down’s syndrome. He was taken into our home at age 4 while we lived near Albany N.Y., and remained with us until he died at 31. He was considered a foster child, but we were his family. His biological parents let us take him to Arkansas when we moved. He was about 10. John was number 6 of seven children with his biological family. His mother had had 12 miscarriages in between all these. His father was an alcoholic, and his mother didn't feel the home life was a good place for someone like John, so she put him in a catholic children's home, and that is where we received him as a foster child. John was fully irish with bright red hair. He attended special schools up until he was about 17 and then he began working in the Baxter Day Service center in Mtn. Home. This he did until his passing. It gave him a little pay check and a sense of purpose. He also participated in Special Olympics for many years. Mostly in some running, and maybe a softball throw events. He really looked forward to these and was very proud to participate. He loved eating at McDonalds! He loved watching T.V. His favorite shows were Lavern and Shirley and Happy Days. John loved and was so proud of all his nieces and nephews. He especially enjoyed visiting with you because you talked to him on his level and liked alot of the same shows on t.v. and eating at the same restaurants. You were very patient with him. He loved church and always sang with great gusto even though he couldn't carry a tune at all. This never bothered him. He loved playing Buddy Barrel in his church. This was when all the children would come and place their missionary offerings. He was very happy and loved the Lord. He was always the first to greet us at the door when any of us ever came home. And we can't forget that one of his distinct characteristics was sitting indian style and carrying on a conversation with his socks waving in front of him. He was an inspiration to all his friends at the day service center, and many attended his funeral."
Oh Uncle John how you made me laugh all the time! We would watch parent trap together :) I really enjoyed that. I was the only grand child that would just sit and hang out with him.
Love you John Patrick.
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